Update your LinkedIn profile for a chance to win.
Each month until the end of 2024, we will give away a $20 Starbucks gift card in a random draw. To qualify, you must be a current employee of The Reset Team Corp. and follow the four simple steps below. Winners will be announced in upcoming newsletters.
Step One
You must have an active LinkedIn account; if you don’t, you can create one by visiting www.linkedin.com.
Step Two
Create or update your profile. Your profile should identify you in your current role at The Reset Team.
If it doesn’t, update your profile to include your role (e.g. Site Supervisor, Installer, Merchandiser, etc….…) and make sure The Reset Team Corp. is selected as the company you work for.
Step Three
The next step is to click our LinkedIn page’s ‘follow’ button if you are not already following it.
Step Four
Since the winner of each draw will receive their gift card electronically, you must have the Starbucks app downloaded to your device.
Good Luck!
Terms and Conditions
- PRIZE CONDITIONS. All incidental costs and expenses not specifically referred to herein as part of the prize description (the “Expenses”) are the sole responsibility of the prize winner and/or guests. All prize elements are subject to availability and substitution. The winner shall not seek reimbursement for the Expenses from The Reset Team Corp.
- INDEMNIFICATION BY ENTRANT. By entering a Contest, each entrant releases and holds the Releasees harmless from any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage of any kind to the entrants or any other person, including personal injury, death, or property damage, resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any prize, participation in the Contest, any breach of the Contest Rules, or in any prize-related activity. Each entrant agrees to fully indemnify Releasees from any and all claims by third parties relating to the Contest, without limitation.
- PRIVACY / USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. By participating in the Contest, each entrant: (i) grants to the Sponsors the right to use his/her personal information provided when he/she enters the Contest (collectively the “Personal Information”) to administer the Contest, including but not limited to contacting and announcing the winners and coordinating the provision of the Contest prize; (ii) grants to the Sponsors the right to use his/her Personal Information for publicity and promotional purposes relating to the Contest in any media without further compensation unless prohibited by law.
- OPT-OUT CLAUSE. If you do not wish to participate in the giveaway, you may opt-out by emailing info@theresetteam.ca with the subject line “Opt-Out Giveaway.”